Generative Trance Part 2
Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D
Generative Trance Certification

Stephen Gilligan
This comprehensive training in Generative Trance is one of our core pathways to certifying with the IAGC as a Practitioner of Generative Change An Intensive in Generative Trance Work Generative Trance is an experiential workshop for those interested in exploring trance and its relevance to creativity and change. Colloquially known for years as "Trance Camp", this is a fantastic opportunity to work with people from a variety of backgrounds and professions-- coaches, therapists, business leaders and people interesting in personal transformation—to deeply immerse in how to help yourself and others to experience “generative trance” as a method for deep change work.

Contact & Inscriptions
13 to 16 January 2018
  • English
    (translated in French)
  • Paris,France

Contact Information