Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change
The Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change certification recognizes that you have achieved the highest level of our IAGC training and professional development criteria.
Have successfully completed another 15-day certification training in your area (Generative Coaching, Business or Generative Trance or any one of the Dilts Strategy Group – Success Factor Modeling™ course preferably as an assistant.
To become a Professional Member of IAGC as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change, you must
- Have successfully completed another 15-day certification training in your area as an assistant. All assistants are chosen by the workshop and interviewed by the IAGC Representative.
- Have done the 4 hours Ethics course, including an hour written test, given by IAGC supervisor. This could be taken online or live, individually or in a small group. (Topics include: scope of practice, when to refer, office policies, ethical relationship principles and rules, etc.) Additional 2-hour oral exam by supervisor. Plus, sign a commitment to ethical guidelines.
- Have been supervised: Require 200 hours, with computerized evaluation forms for each session (online). Also, 20 direct hours of supervision hours with IAGC supervisor. (This could be done individually, or in a small group, live or online). Also, must submit 5 video hours of client sessions to IAGC supervisor.
- Have done 100 hours CPD (up to 48 online) preferably in the speciality area to have a bit more elaborated education. (You can find a list of these courses in the training agenda section of IAGC website)
- Fees and IAGC membership: $375 fee for accreditation diploma; $200 to renew every two years. This includes ongoing professional membership.
To view our privacy policy and membership terms, click here.
To renew your IAGC Professional Membership as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change, you must meet the following continuing education requirements. Please provide proof that, within the past two-year period, you have completed:
- 15 total hours of group supervision or one to one supervision with an IAGC-approved Supervisor
- 50 Hours of additional CPD with IAGC approved CPD courses. This can include up to 24 hours of online training with IAGC approved programs.
To apply for Professional Membership as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change
Click HerePlease Complete the Form Below
In addition to all of the benefits you receive as an IAGC Professional Member as a Practitioner of Generative Change, you will gain the following benefits:
- Listing in the membership directory as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change
- Receive level-specific branding, which you can use in your marketing and professional material
- An IAGC Certificate of Professional Membership as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change
- Eligibility for the IAGC Project Affiliation Pathway (provided you already have IAGC Copyright User status)
IAGC Professional Membership Fee as an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change: $195 for two years, payable to IAGC International.