Elisabeth Falcone

Having started her career as a management controller in national and international groups, she had the opportunity to understand the global operation of organizations and the various levers and brakes involved. As a certified NLP teacher  Society of NLP and Master-Trainer NLPU, she has various reading grids that enable her to accurately identify the strategic needs and behavioural skills necessary for the growth and development of individuals and organizations. SFM2 (Collective  Intelligence) Certified Facilitator and Trainer, SFM3 (Leadership Conscient) and  Generative Consulting, she trained with Robert Dilts, is part of Dilts Strategy Group and Robert Dilts Leadership Team. She is one of the co-authors with Robert Dilts of  the book : “PERICEO – Teams and organizations, develop your collective intelligence capabilities”, offering an exclusive tool to diagnose the level of collective intelligence present in teams and organizations. Elisabeth is also a coach, author and speaker.