Generative Change Audio Series
About this Series
This audio series by Dr. Stephen Gilligan is a exploration of the tools, models and principles of the Generative Change work. The series is divided into 4 sections with 75 recordings in all totalling over 10 hours of material.
This series starts with an overview of the 6 steps of Generative Change, exploring both Generative Coaching and Generative Trance. It then explores the COACH state through a series of experiential processes for you to work with both for yourself as the practitioner and as tools to explore with your clients. Part 3 is an in-depth look at the underlying principles of Generative Change and the last Part explores how the Generative Change model can be used in specific applications.
There is more information on each of the parts and audio samples from this series below on this page.
Who is this series for?
This audio series is for all practitioners of Dr. Gilligan’s work, Practitioners of Generative Coaching and Generative Trance and for anyone who want’s to update or refresh their skills and knowledge.
It’s a perfect refresher for past attendees of Dr. Gilligan’s workshops and trainings, and for current students to have a working base to develop and enhance their practices outside of the training room.
It’s designed as a deeply practical and experiential learning tool to enhance and deepen your Generative Change work.
Dr. Gilligan says:
I developed this audio series as a comprehensive description and exploration of the Generative Change work that Robert Dilts and I have developed over the past several decades. It contains 4 basic parts of GC work—the 6-step model for creative change; multiple ways to develop the experiential COACH state needed for everything to work; an intensive exploration of the core competencies needed to do GC work; and a set of experiential applications. The audios have conceptual overviews and outlines, followed by experiential processes, usually completed by summary statements.
I am really happy with how this Generative Change work has been unfolding in many countries and cultures around the world. Often we go in and do some training, but then leave—even if the training is an extended certification. Also, there are many places we can’t get to directly. In order to develop one’s competencies and also benefit from the potential for personal transformation, we need further mediums and modalities. I created this intensive audio study program as a way for people to really go deeper into the work, both personally and professionally….and to make the work available to people everywhere.
In doing the work around the world, I am most impressed how the shared human being everywhere—the longings, excitements, hunger, generative unfolding—are deeper than any differences. Sometimes people ask if it’s difficult to teach in other countries. My answer is that it isn’t…once the work is happening, the differences yield to a deeper unity of human connection. It sort of feeling like different pieces find a common connection, and something awakens from that. I felt that in navigating this project, and it’s a rewarding feeling.
Anytime I teach or write or do something like this audio project, it’s a very interesting process, it begins to move in unexpected ways and directions. At some point it feels like the work is creating you, rather than the other way around.
In doing the project, i especially sensed how the discipline of the work—the elemental pieces, the step-by-step methods, the core practices—is so essential to allowing the creative flow of the work….and vice versa. I am so impressed by how these two complementary sides work together in the creative process.
We emphasize that perhaps the most important part of sustainable creativity is regular practices—your life is only as good as your practices. We each need different dimensions of our practice… I hope these recordings can be a helpful part of yours!
If you are an IAGC member you can purchase this for a 20% discount.
Part 1: The Six Steps of Generative Change
In Part 1, Dr. Gilligan outlines the core elements of Generative Change through exploring the 6-step model of Generative Change (Step 1- Establish COACH Field; Step 2- Set intention/goals; Step 3- Develop a Generative State; Step 4- Walk the path/ Take Action; Step 5- Transform Obstacles; Step 6- Develop Generative Practices).
You will be experientially taken through the 6-step model using the methodologies of both Generative Coaching and Generative Trance
Full Listing of topics covered in Part 1:
- Introduction
- 6 Steps of Generative Change; Generative Trance
- 6 Steps of Generative Change; Generative Coaching
- Summary
Listen to samples below:
Part 2: Developing the Coach State
At the core of the Generative Change model is the idea of maintaining a COACH (positive creativity) state both as the coach/therapist and for and with the client.
Dr. Gilligan explores 8 different COACH methodologies in this Part of the Series. Each is split into an introductory explanation of the tool, then the experiential process with some having post process commentary.
Full Listing of Topics covered in Part 2:
- Introduction
- Heaven/ Earth (Vertical Axis)
- Positive Memory Revivification
- 3 Mindfulness Drops
- Aiki Principles
- Sensory Awareness (Mrs Erickson Process)
- Energy Ball
- 3 Point Attention
- 5 Generative self suggestions
- Summary
Listen to samples below:
Part 3: Mastering Core Practices
Part 3 explores the principles of tools of Generative Change. Each topic is covered in depth so that you can get a richer, fuller understanding of how to utilise Generative Change in a skilful and embodied way.
All of these principles are at the heart of the Generative Change Model and this gives you a unique opportunity to explore how they underpin the Generative Change methodology.
It’s also useful as a way to review this material as presented in a new way outside of a workshop/training environment and as a way of practicing mastering these principles at work.
Full Listing of Topics covered in Part 3:
- Introduction
- Somatic Modelling
- Somatic Centering
- 4 Connections of a Generative Relationship
- Self Rating Scales
- Goals in 3 Modalities
- 3 Positive Connections
- 4 Relational Mantras
- Goal-Obstacle-Resource Triad
- Archetypal Energies
- Tetra Lemma
- Keeping the Client Connected]
- When the Coach Feels Stuck
- Further Practices
- Summary
Listen to samples below:
Part 4: Applications of Generative Change Work
In this last part of this series Dr. Gilligan explores how the Generative Change model can be applied in various applications. Each of these topics is divided into an introduction then as an experiential process.
Full Listing of Topics covered in Part 4:
- Introduction
- Moving towards a positive feature using your vulnerabilities
- Light Trance Identification with a Positive Model
- Transforming Pain
- Sleeping Soundly
- Community of Resources
- Changing Negative Habits
- Healing Intimacy Wounds
- Trans-generational Lineages
- Summary
Listen to samples below:
If you are an IAGC member you can purchase this for a 20% discount.