Allan Santos (63), Medical Doctor, was born in Jundiaí, an industrial city near Sao Paulo, Brasil. Since very young, at 11, has a dream of knowing the mysteries of the human being. Following this inspiration, in 78 finish his medical studies, and develop a great interest in the flourishing area of Alternatives Therapies, diving in Psiconeuroimunobiology, Gestalt, Transactional Analisis, Biodance, to mention some. In 77 found a key book that allows him to dive deeper into the exploration or the human experience, The Structure of Magic, the foundation of Neurolinguistic Programming. Fascinated with this findings, he started his pathway in NLP, first in Brasil and afterward in the US with Grinder and Bandler and the first generation Robert Dilts, Tod Epstein, Judith DeLozier, Tim Halbom, Suzy Smith, Tom Best, Steve Andreas, among others. On his way, he has met great masters like Steve Gilligan, Jeffrey Zeig, and Ernest Rossi that allow him to go deeper in the research of alternate states of awareness. In 1988, he started training in NLP and Hypnosis and spreading the field mainly in Brasil and Spain.
Allan runs his institute in Barcelona – Instituto Neuron, where we can find and learn Systemic NLP, Generative Trance Work, and Generative Coaching with Robert and Steve. Along with collaborators like Christina Hall, David Gordon, Judith DeLozier.
Allan has published two books – “El Libro Grande de la PNL” and “El Camino Hacia Uno Mismo”.
His biggest dream is to contribute to the development of a world where each one can live a wealthy life plenty of health and wellbeing.