Robert Dilts

Robert Dilts is Co-Founder and Chairman at the IAGC. He has a global reputation as a leading developer, author, coach, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP). Robert worked closely with NLP co-founders John Grinder and Richard Bandler at the time of its creation and also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson, M.D., and Gregory Bateson. Robert pioneered the applications of NLP to education, creativity, health, leadership, belief systems and the development of what has become known as “Third Generation NLP.”

Robert has lectured extensively on the applications of NLP to a variety of issues, making presentations and keynote addresses for The United Nations, The World Health Organization, Harvard University, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Evolution of Psychotherapy Congress, and The National Tumor Institute of Italy.

Robert has authored more than twenty books on a variety of topics relating to NLP and coaching. He is the principal author of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I, which serves as the standard reference text for the field, and has authored or co-authored numerous other books on NLP.

Robert’s recent book series on Success Factor Modeling™ identifies key characteristics and capabilities shared by successful entrepreneurs, teams and ventures. Next Generation Entrepreneurs (2015) presents models, tools, exercises, illustrations and case examples – of both world famous and everyday entrepreneurs. Generative Collaboration (2016) helps people to increase their capacity for working effectively together with others and to experience the excitement, satisfaction and power of collective intelligence.